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Orient-beijing Co., Ltd.   A Reliable Casting Supplier From China
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Normal Grinding ball

Our company is producing cast iron grinding ball by our peculiar metal centrifugal casting technology. The products produced this way are compact in texture and has well-distributed and very fine carbide phases. The wear and tear are less than other production technologies with same material and hardness. We can produce different low Cr grinding ball, high Cr casting grinding balls, and troostite type casting grinding balls. Also, we can produce grinding balls as per client's requirement or as per GB/T17445-1998.
Normal Standard (mm): 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 125

Mini-grinding ball

For stirring ball mill, shaking mill, pipe mill, and second fine grinding of cement, normal ball size is 6.3~25mm, the material is low chromium cast iron, high chromium cast iron. These grinding balls are used to produce super fine powder in the fields of medicine, pigment, nonmetal mine fine progression, magnetic material, and fine grinding of cement.
Normal Standard (mm): 6, 3, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 25.

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北京东升世达科技有限公司   Orient-beijing Co., Ltd.
Tel: 010-62715630  Fax: 010-62715626  E-mail: orient@orient-beijing.com