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Orient-beijing Co., Ltd.   A Reliable Casting Supplier From China
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The foundry equipment includes middle frequency electric furnaces , vertical and horizontal centrifugal casting machines , molding machines , core shooters , heat-treatment stoves , shot blasting machines . The machining equipment includes lathes, planers, millers, grinders. Besides, there is a physics and chemistry lab to analyze chemical compositions, study the microstructures, and test mechanical properties.

Green sand molding line Centrifugal casting line
Resin sand molding line Tensile strength tester
Shot blasting machine Electrical melting furnace
Magnetic powder crack tester NC machining center

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北京东升世达科技有限公司   Orient-beijing Co., Ltd.
Tel: 010-62715630  Fax: 010-62715626  E-mail: orient@orient-beijing.com